Rogers Management Group develops, builds and operates properties where our community lives, works and plays. Following is a selection of the main property development and business development projects completed by our founder Cameron Rogers under the Rogers Management banner.
For Jeff Klam’s completed projects and experience see this page.
For Rogers Management Group current projects go here.
Industrial and Business Park Projects
Trackside Industrial Park

22 properties located at 44000 to 44444 Progress Way, 8434 & 8480 Chilliwack Mtn Rd and lands on Aitken Rd, Chilliwack, BC
- 80+ acre industrial and commercial development, combination of brown and green field
- Land assembly, development and sale of land to end users
- Properties/Buyers:
- 44037 Progress Way ENN Energy (ground lease, sale to investor)
- 44046 Progress Way Otter Coop (public gas, commercial cardlock, bulk fuel, propane, C-store, Quesada Restaurant)
- 44088 Progress Way Level Fabricators
- 44097 Progress Way Jakes Construction
- 44128 Progress Way Reflections Truck Body Repair
- 44137+44109 Progress Way sold to and developed by Triton Transport
- 44159 Progress Way contractor equipment storage yard
- 44200 Progress Way Contractor equipment use
- 44217 Progress Way multi-tenant light industrial building
- 44158 Progress Way PraireCoast Equipment (John Deere dealer)
- 44250 Progress Way Pacific Coast Heavy Truck Group (Mack & Volvo dealer, general repair)
- 44313 Progress Way Regal Tanks Ltd/Tidy Steel-Fab Ltd
- 44316 Progress Way held by Pacific Coast Heavy Truck Group for future development
- 44356 Progress Way Progress Storage Ltd
- 44365 Progress Way Harmonic Machine
- 44394 Progress Way sold for trucking company yard
- 44405 Progress Way Cobra Rebar

- Amenities and improvements provided to the Chilliwack Community included:
- Full atrial road development of 1.1 km of Progress Way and Aitken Rd North, plus full development to rural standard of north portion of Aitken Rd South. Widening and improvements to Lickman Road
- Sanitary lift station
- Closed a private railway crossing allowing for the creation of important public railway crossing at Eagle Landing Dr.
- Community storm detention ponds and protection of riparian areas
- We attracted most of the companies above to Chilliwack so the development brought significant employment opportunities to Chilliwack.
- The completed development added over $250 million in land value alone to the Chilliwack tax base helping to fund many community projects from parks to leisure faculties to bike lanes.
Legacy Pacific Industrial Park
South Sumas, Unsworth and Simpson Roads, Chilliwack, BC
Converted a shut down Pillsbury plant (brownfield site) into a multi-tenant business park. Then expanded industrial park onto adjoining greenfield sites acquired with the original plant and from other owners. Acquisition, rezoning, subdivision, renovation, demising, leasing and property sales, substantial new construction, ALR approvals.

12 Properties with major users:
44368 South Sumas Rd (22,000 sq.ft renovation) Cold Storage facility

44488 South Sumas Rd (85,000 sq.ft. renovation) Cam Tran Pacific, various commercial, office, and residential tenants. Included a restaurant

44500 South Sumas Rd (27,000 sq.ft. new construction) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, other commercial tenants

44550 South Sumas Rd (55,000 sq.ft. new construction) many commercial, office and light industrial users across two floors.

44688 South Sumas Rd (development and preparation for new construction) now IMW Industries/Clean Energy Compression, Anita’s Organic Flour Mill and other businesses

6333 Unsworth Rd (55,000 sq.ft. renovation and 55,000 sq.ft. new construction) BC Ministry of Forests – Provincial Equipment Depot, Beaver Plastics, Province of BC Public Safety and Emergency Services, other clients

6350 Unsworth Rd (4.1 acre with old buildings subdivided and sold) Forest product businesses
6388 Unsworth Rd (225,000 sq.ft. new construction) Nestle Waters, Tycrop Mfg, Bullseye Packaging, truck parking and others
44360 Simpson Rd (land development and sold) Rogers Foods Ltd.

44363 Simpson Rd (land development, subdivide, lease) storage and transload yard

44370 Simpson Rd (land development, rezone, sell) now feed mill owned by West Coast Reduction

44387 Simpson Rd (reno building, subdivide, lease) storage yard.

Additional Properties related to Legacy Pacific
• Two farm parcels (listed below)
• three residential/rural properties along South Sumas Rd
• 6429 Unsworth Rd. Bought and rezoned for industrial use a house on Unsworth Rd. Buyer put up an industrial building.
Amenities and improvements provided to the Chilliwack community included:
- Significant boost to employment opportunities from the many businesses attracted into Chilliwack out of an abandoned site that was once the largest private employer in Chilliwack
- Sanitary lift station and force main additions
- Stream enhancements including a salmon spawning channel
Other Industrial/Commercial Properties Developed
8899 Charles Street, Chilliwack, BC (89,000 sq.ft. renovation, stratifiction and leasing project). Major tenants were Jamp Pharma, eCycle Solutions, and others.

9181 Gibson Rd, Chilliwack, BC (2 acres with buildings, bought from foreclosure, leased and sold) to Taplow Feeds Ltd

2271 Vauxhaul Place, Richmond BC (bought, renovated, filled with clients and operated this multitemp building before selling it to a warehousing client we served). Partnered with Coldstar Solutions Ltd

400 N Maguire St, Warrensburg, MO Assisted in development of purpose built Jiffy Lube

86th Ave at 202 Street, Langley, BC assembled 7 acre site but during the development process these well located properties were expropriated by the Province of BC for the Carvolth Bus Exchange and Park and Ride facility.
Residential Projects
Cedarsprings Cuntry Estates, 4001 Old Clayburn Rd, Abbotsford, BC
- 159 Luxury Townhomes and a large clubhouse on 33 acres formed from 5 properties and 4 owners
- 3 Gold Georgie Awards including Best Multifamily Project in Class, Best Interior Décor, and Environmental Excellence plus a Silver Georgie Award for interior design
- Fraser Valley Real Estate Board Award for Best Multifamily Project in class
- Commendation Letter from Department of Fisheries and Oceans for excellence and innovation in storm water detention
Paradise Place, Abbotsford, BC
- 22 Residental lots in a cul-de-sac over 4.5 acres
- Developed Cedarsprings Trail as a linear park linking neighborhoods at Old Clayburn, Paradise Place and Bateman Roads. A lasting gift to the community.

Haywood Lake Estates, 30782 Dewdney Trunk Road, Mission, BC
- 8 stratified executive small acreage lots on 14 acres with gated road
- Arranged equity financing for the project. Bill Coughlin was the developer.
- Construction completed in December 2021. Started selling in 2022

Institutional Projects
Young/Oak/Riverside/Bonny Block, Chilliwack, BC Assembled, rezoned and rearranged 6 new and 3 existing properties to create more space for a church and school. Created development site for future building, new school playground, and two new residential lots. Church was able to pay off the project from rental income on retained homes.

5350 Baillie St, Vancouver, BC Managed the leasing that enabled three church congregations and a day care to share one facility. High value license deals with multiple stakeholders.

Farm Properties

- Watson Road, Chilliwack, BC – spun off 16 acres farmland from industrial development. Gravel extraction and regrade to make more productive land
- Unsworth Road, Chilliwack, BC – 17 acre farm site. Gravel extraction project, fisheries enhancement project, animal raising, home reno
- Hwy 50 Warrensburg, MO – assembled farm properties for future residential development
Other New Business Development
First Class Suites/Premiere Suites Pacific
- Started a furnished apartment business with partner in Abbotsford and expanded it to 100 suites from Vancouver to Chilliwack. Merged with and grew the existing Premiere franchised business. Surpassed $250,000 in monthly revenue
Legacy Cold Logistics Ltd.
- Created and ran a business out of vacant cold/cooler storage buildings in Chilliwack and Richmond.
- Found many cold storage clients, set up systems, equipment and staff for facilities
- Created a dry warehouse service to use other unleased space with the same staff and systems infrastructure
- Chilliwack business was merged into Bradner Cold Storage and continues to operate. Richmond branch continues to be operated by former partner Coldstar
Legacy Pacific Security Ltd Created and ran a security guard, camera and alarm business to service our many revenue properties, construction sites and other businesses in town.
Venture Capital Companies
Experience with the Venture Capital Program in BC
- Cultus Lake Capital (VCC) Ltd. group of 49 investors who invested in 3 early stage companies.
- Two family controlled VCCs for captive use.
Avocado Plant Assisted in setting up an avocado processing plant in Zitacuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. Actually negotiated the purchase of the building through translator.
Freeze Dry Plant Assisted in setting up a freeze dry plant in Langley, BC This included multiple trips to China to research the industry, write a business plan, source equipment and some supervision of the evential renovations and equipment install.
Real Estate Broker Worked as a licensed real estate broker in Missouri for a year handling a variety of residential and other transactions
Property Management
The principals of Rogers Management Group have extensive experience in leasing up and ongoing property management of the listed and other miscellanious properties.